What Lives in the Wetland?

Come out to the Apalachicola National Forest and explore the bucket traps that capture amphibians and reptiles entering and leaving an ephemeral wetland. Learn about life history cycles, ephemeral wetlands, scientific investigation, and local ecology all within the native longleaf pine ecosystem. The drift fence and traps are part of an investigation to reintroduce an extirpated (locally extinct) salamander species, the striped newt.

This activity is free and open to community and student organizations, schools, and teacher groups.    Fence activities can be tailored to NGSS and CCS standards (see Education Standards page for details).  Targeted enrichment lessons also can be provided or find Powerpoints, lessons, and other resources here.

Details: We will meet at a parking area off Crawfordville Hwy, about 1 ½ miles south of Capital Circle – there is room for a bus to turn around. Rebecca Means (Coastal Plains Institute) will then guide a ¾ of a mile hike out to the wetland. Students (and adults) will be given the opportunity to check the bucket traps that encircle the wetland and dipnet a nearby wetland to see amphibian larvae close up.

In general this is a 3-hour activity but timing and duration can be adjusted based on teacher needs.

Two 5-minute videos, created by FSU’s Learning Systems Institute for the CPALMS Perspectives program, briefly describe different aspects of the field trip program.  They can be viewed here and here.

Contact Rebecca (rebecca@coastalplains.org) to schedule your outdoor education opportunity.